Older participant engages with eConsent
Blog posts

How partnership ensured a successful first digital trial

Since our inception in 2015, Medable has conducted over 300+ digital and decentralized trials using eCOA, eConsent, telehealth, and more. However, just as a bell curve shows, adoption rates for new technologies can wildly vary across our industry. While some organizations quickly implement new technologies, others take a more cautious approach. 

Together, this team, which included Mihai Viisan, a Solution Design SME, Luka Ajduk, a Product Implementation Lead, and Ted Meyer, the Supply Chain Coordinator, built a trusting working relationship in which Medable led study implementation.

Blog posts

Bridging the gap: Ensuring sites are successful with Medable

For years, clinical research sites have been vocal about the technological challenges they face conducting trials. Obstacles such as multiple disparate systems per trial, an abundance of passwords, lack of interoperability, and other issues all showcase how technology can be as significant a hindrance as it is a boon. As a recent Forbes article suggests, if clinical research technology doesn’t empower sites, it risks slowing down the entire trial.

Blog posts

2023: The year of the site. We are listening.

As 2022 rounds the bend, the life science industry is at a critical juncture in the adoption of the decentralized clinical trial (DCT) model.

See how Medable can make your trials more efficient.