Broader reach, higher engagement, cleaner data.

Total Consent Management

Upgrade to a complete consent management solution for better participant access and experience.

Expand Global Access to Trials

Accessible on any web-enabled device (BYOD or provisioned), our scalable solution can inform and consent participants anywhere in the world. Flexible enough for any country or site, you can easily collect compliant signatures (digital or wet-ink), on-site or remote with integrated TeleVisit.

Improve Participant Retention

Stay connected with your patients and their data. Real-time notifications help ensure compliance while patient and caregiver-friendly ePROs make it easy for sponsors to track toxicity and tolerability in real time.

Minimize Compliance Errors

Gain complete visibility and oversight into your trial with real-time monitoring of all consent activities within a single dashboard and ensure inspection-ready audit trails with fully integrated template management and version control.

Case Study: Medable's Total Consent sees 75% site adoption in U.S. Renal Care study

Medable's Total Consent sees 75% site adoption in U.S. Renal Care study

Medable’s Total Consent, used by U.S. Renal Care in top ten pharma-sponsored study, proved to be a flexible, fast, and efficient solution for the elderly renal care population.

U.S. Renal Care achieves 75% site adoption of eConsent with Medable

Frequently asked questions

What is eConsent?

eConsent is an electronic way of consenting trial participants that can be done in-clinic or remotely using tablets, phones, or computers. Transcelerate defines eConsent as including multimedia which can be used to develop an interactive and engaging informed consent experience while offering flexibility for diverse learning styles (e.g., auditory, visual).

What's the difference between eConsent and Medable’s Total Consent?

While Total Consent is an eConsent tool at heart, it features additional functionality, such as wet-ink signature support, that enables it to be deployed worldwide, in any country conducting clinical research. In addition, capabilities like TeleVisit are built into Medable’s Total Consent and don’t require additional tools or login credentials. To learn more visit our Total Consent Management page.

Where does Total Consent work?

Total Consent can be used both in the clinic, at home, and anywhere where a trial participant has an internet connection across 60 different locales. Total Consent was designed to comply with all global regulations, including FDA 21 CFR Part 11, ICH E6 (R2), and GDPR. Medable’s Total Consent currently supports 115+ languages in over 60 countries.

Can I use Total Consent across multiple studies and different trial types?

Yes. Total Consent can scale to trials of all sizes, whether you need to deploy eConsent on one study or multiple studies. Our solution also provides more efficiency the more you use it by creating standardized delivery methods for your organization.

The latest from Medable

Blog posts

Evolving Total Consent: Introducing digitally-enabled biosample consent storage

Within biosample storage, a “nightmare scenario” exists that Medable and our clients discuss regularly.

Some years ago, a sponsor with tens of thousands of biosample specimens identified that they had lost the ability to link their biobank samples' documented consent for storage (and further research). The consent for these samples was taken on paper, but a system to collate and file the consent data attributed to each specimen was not implemented. When the organization couldn’t find the paper consent, they were forced to dispose of thousands of biospecimens, losing the ability to conduct valuable research and potentially millions of dollars of lost IP.

Older participant engages with eConsent
Blog posts

How partnership ensured a successful first digital trial

For the last twenty years, clinical trials have been steadily digitizing. 

As the EDC and eTMF systems of the early 2000s gave way to the eCOA and eConsent tools of the 2010s, site, and participant experiences throughout clinical research were improved. 

Since our inception in 2015, Medable has conducted over 300+ digital and decentralized trials using eCOA, eConsent, telehealth, and more. However, just as a bell curve shows, adoption rates for new technologies can wildly vary across our industry. While some organizations quickly implement new technologies, others take a more cautious approach. 

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

U.S. Renal Care achieves 75% site adoption of eConsent with Medable

Medable’s Total Consent, used by U.S. Renal Care in top ten pharma-sponsored study, proved to be a flexible, fast, and efficient solution for the elderly renal care population.

Discover how Studio enhances control and efficiency throughout 
study launch.