Participant in a diabetic polyneuropathy trial
White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Use case: How a top-10 pharma digitized and standardized participant pain body maps

A top-10 pharmaceutical company was looking to standardize the conduct of their diabetic polyneuropathy trials for future use.

Specifically, the client was looking to digitize their paper “body map” forms. These are used by participants to indicate the severity of pain on their bodies. 

Traditionally administered on paper, body map assessments had been a source of potential inefficiencies and errors. 

The client’s goal was to co-create and own their body maps, while simplifying and streamlining the process for future trials.

Medable's analysis on DCT and digital trial elements
White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Evidence & Insights: A Data-Driven Exploration of Decentralized Elements and Digital Trial Technologies

In Medable’s first edition of Evidence and Insights, you’ll get an in-depth look at our research investments and collaborations exploring the effects of DCTs and clinical research technology. Through strategic partnerships and continued investment, we’ve spearheaded efforts that redefine industry standards and set a new precedent for the evidentiary basis of technology’s impact on drug development.

Participant submitting eCOAs
White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Medable enables >90% eCOA adherence in vaccine trial

6 min

A leading biotech company came to Medable looking to conduct a vaccine trial. They were concerned that their trial’s participant population of persons aged 50+ years may be hesitant to use the sponsors’ chosen eCOAtrial technology, would not be engaged in the study, and therefore may not provide consistent trial data.

Learn how we drove success for them, including >90% eCOA adherence.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

U.S. Renal Care achieves 75% site adoption of eConsent with Medable

Medable’s Total Consent, used by U.S. Renal Care in top ten pharma-sponsored study, proved to be a flexible, fast, and efficient solution for the elderly renal care population.

Clinical trial site uses Medable clinical trial platform technology.
White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Technology overload: Addressing site challenges in clinical research

In the early 2000s, a new era of clinical research began – the digital era. As large sponsors and CROs like IQVIA andGlaxo Smith Kline began implementing electronic data capture (EDC) systems into their trials, clinical trial sites experienced the first major digital disruption in how they conducted clinical research. Fast forward totoday, and this cycle of disruption not only continues, it’s shortened.

As a recent article by BusinessInsider states, “it took 30 years forelectricity to be adopted by 10% ofUS consumers. It took 25 years for the telephone to achieve the same penetration. Tablets achieved thisreach in just five years – and they’re not even our primary devices." This shortened cycle of mass adoption has brought smartphones,smartwatches, tablets, and moreto trials, as well as new software and portal applications like eCOA and eConsent. However, it’s been reported that too much technology is commonplace and it quickly overwhelms.

In this white paper, we’ll examine best practices in ensuring sites are adequately prepared and supported for new trial technologies,derived from the experiences of key individuals with direct experience from pharma, technology vendors and importantly from sites themselves.

Woman submits clinical trial data
White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Quality by Design: Better data using participant insights

6 min

Quality is not an afterthought within clinical trials. Instead, it is a required and integral part of the entire process beginning at the start of protocol design. While clinical trials will always encounter challenges in driving quality experiences and data, there exists one approach that’s backed by regulatory agencies and proven to lead to better outcomes.

This is a “quality by design” strategy that’s informed and driven by all stakeholders, including those most affected by your trial’s protocols - your participants, and sites.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Medable’s Patient Caregiver Network improves post-seizure trial data

A pharmaceutical contract research organization (CRO) expressed concerns about the timing and availability of seizure diaries for patients enrolled in their rare disease study. 

They wanted to understand when patients should be prompted to complete the diaries and how they could improve the process to better accommodate caregivers' and patients' needs to  produce better trial data.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Medable platform speeds diabetes study startup by 50%

6 min

A top 10 pharmaceutical company approached Medable seeking support for their Phase III diabetes study in the highly competitive weight loss market. Their primary goal was toreduce the client’s average study build timelines from 16-20 weeks, down to just 8 weeks,a reduction of more than 50%.

See how Medable was able to meet the customer's goal with this case study.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Record-breaking enrollment achieved in weight-loss study

A top 10 pharmaceutical company approached Medable seeking support for their Phase III diabetes study. Their primary goal was to reduce the participant enrollment phase timeline to get the study underway as quickly as possible.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

ePROs: Transforming oncology trial research

6 min

Over the last decade the number of oncology trials has skyrocketed, almost doubling the number of all other therapeutic areas combined, according to the WIRB-Copernicus Group¹. Known for their complex design, oncology trials often present various participant, site, and sponsor hurdles.

Sponsors and CROs looking to tackle these challenges andreduce the burden on participants and sites should explore the potential of digital solutions, particularly electronic informed consent (eConsent) and electronic patient reported outcomes (ePRO). Both tools offer expanded views of the participant journey while offering feedback that enables sponsors and CROs to enhance and refine their trials for all stakeholders.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

The Digital Future is Now eBook

6 min

According to Grandview Research,the hybrid and decentralized clinicaltrial (DCT) market will be worth more than 12 billion dollars by 2030. Sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, the rapid ascent of patient centered technology and the digital and decentralized trials they’ve spawned has forever changed the landscape of clinical conduct.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

The Definitive Guide to Digital Evidence Generation

According to Grandview Research, the hybrid and decentralized clinical trial (DCT) market will be worth more than 12 billion dollars by 2030. Sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, the rapid ascent of patient-centered technology and the digital and decentralized trials they’ve spawned has forever changed the landscape of clinical conduct. Sponsors are increasingly turning to DCT platforms in alignment with the rise of Life Science and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions. For those who haven't made the jump yet, there are many questions, including "What is a decentralized clinical trial?" Find out with this in-depth guide to decentralized clinical trials. Uncover how they work, their benefits, and how they transform clinical development.

See how Medable can make your trials more efficient.