1.0 Background
Medable is aware that there may be circumstances that arise where we are requested to assist law enforcement or other government agencies by providing access to protected data. We are committed to protecting our customers’ information and trust in our services to the best of our ability, while complying with applicable laws and regulations. The purpose of this document is to be as transparent as legally possible, provide guidelines Medable follows in the case we receive such a request, and a count of how many requests we have received.
2.0 Medable guidelines
Medable understands that the information that we maintain may include sensitive health data that is entrusted to us to protect from unauthorized access. Medable takes this responsibility seriously and follows industry best practices for information technology security.However, Medable provides service in jurisdictions around the world and is obligated to comply with laws in all areas we operate. In some cases, this may require us to disclose protected information to law enforcement requests. In such situations, we will administer due diligence and adhere to the following guidelines before disclosing data:Carefully review laws and regulations of the requesting organization to ensure they are entitled to a response.If Medable believes the request is invalid or unlawful, we will challenge their position prior to disclosure.In cases Medable is obligated to disclose, we will provide the minimum amount of information necessary to comply.Unless prohibited by law, Medable will notify our customers when we receive such a request.
3.0 Count of requests received
The figures below represent the total numbers of various forms of government requests for customer data we have received. Due to the nature of our business, Medable receives few government requests for customer data. At the time of publishing this report, Medable has not received a request to disclose information in all jurisdictions we operate.
4.0 Additional information
For more information on Medable’s privacy practices or how to contact us, please refer to our: